The eclipse season is here, this time with three in a row, over a month of deep learning. Here we go, maybe you can feel it? Everyone is wild about something or other, death, babies, taxes, love, joy and surrender, its all there and becoming glaringly obvious…..
We begin this month with a new moon partial eclipse at 11 degrees Gemini, everyone has different ideas of how to get to the same vision, the month begins with the energy signature of truth and lies, love and hate, what we want in our lives and what we don’t…Its all a bit hard to chew and swallow and grasp really and people are balking at the idea of some seemingly insurmountable factors which seem immovable, yet sometimes just changing attitudes and looking to the highest vision and at the same time, keeping calm, will remedy this.
There is an element of fate about this eclipse with ascendant in Scorpio and an exact conjunct to the part of fortune we feel it deeply and secrets are revealed as these deep feelings surface for us, its time to look at the truth and maintain our highest vision for our futures. What is being brought up here is about our very lively hoods, both collective and individual, especially surrounding our material values and our possessions and what we share, who we share it with, what we have, what is ours what is theirs and what’s not in balance and what’s on a knife edge.
As we step into the future of this month it seems we are fighting ourselves and each other for an appreciation of what is really important and how I lives will look if we balance it right, if we can manage to be responsible and hold it together through this eclipse period we will get to the other side leaner, meaner and stronger, but we need to learn to share the load, its too much responsibility to do it alone, look to the person next to you and seek to help or ask for some assistance and some reprieve and lets not be harsh on each other. We are appealing to all of humanity to seek compromise and compassion above fighting and adversity. We will be coming together, even in not the most ideal circumstances, to continue to enjoy what we hold dear and all this is pointing us to the future. Share and be kind to those around you and things will turn out as they need to ; don’t and they wont, that is the message here.
This is absolutely the time to be responsible for ourselves and one another, because who is next to us, is us, wells of compassion come to the surface during this eclipse. Compassion for ourselves, the planet and each other, through adversity brings a heightened awareness of what we share in common and the what gifts we can bring to the common good of all, how we can live together and then go forward from there into a new day bringing this lesson with us, watch out it maybe a pretty tough lesson for some……
This is also a time for stripping back all non-essential baggage and getting to the truth of what we want in our lives, it wont be easy…… but necessary, and we will have to rely on faith and hold onto our purest vision. There is a lovely kite formation involving Saturn, MC, Vesta and the Luminaries on the eclipse point and it is pointing to our future goals and ambitions, if we can talk to each other reason things out in partnerships, be responsible and at the same time maintain our integrity, We are going there…into a bright new future, nothing but blue skies. This is about optimism and hard work, as well as compromising with the ones we love and sometimes with the ones we don’t.
The feminine is on track, she is helping to pave the way, with her lovely vision of the future, with Venus in Taurus promoting calm and peace. Mars is also in Taurus, at Venuses house so to speak. …Hmmm… and they are in the seventh house of partnerships, so this may be a time to get together with the one you love and forget about your troubles and enjoy life even if its just for some slight reprieve, for a moment or a day.
Mars is also trining Pluto, taking all the change in his stride and really coming into his own, no longer fighting, but surrendering to a new way of being for himself and keeping his head and heart on track. He is really making headway to the heart and towards how his vision fits the whole, in this unstable world we are living in. This is really making Venus happy and they are both trining juno, the soul mate asteroid, so both are making good on their promise to get along and enjoy the time they spend together amidst the failing, crushing, circumstances that surround them, its like they are sticking together through thick and thin, propping each other up and really learning the value of one another.
I guess this eclipse is about graciousness in adversity, looking for the positives, in and tumultuous changing world around us, finding the beauty and promoting it. Taking this vision and spreading it far and wide, no matter how bad things look we can be thankful and appreciate what we do have…… instead of wanting more all the time, and at what cost to those around us? Life is hard sometimes, but there is so much beauty in it and its time to teach our selves to hold on to that.
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