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Thursday, December 30, 2010
The Breath........between.......The Eclipses
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
New world eclipse, on the solstice....
On the solstice this Christmas there is a very powerful full moon, which is actually lunar Eclipse, the moon will go into the darkness for a moment in time, to makes us aware of her message. This is very auspicious time of year and the themes of this eclipse will continue to affect us throughout the next six months.
This aligned opposition between the luminaries, is actually, offset in a grand cross formation. So the Sun, the Moon, the asteroid Vesta, and the planet Jupiter form a grand cross, across the eclipse point. This is in mutable signs, so it is a very flexible, malleable energy that surrounds us. Expanding the subconscious (Jupiter in Pisces) about everyday feminine values and home life marriage (Juno in Virgo), both in opposition and squared to an informed talkative mother Moon and a searching father Sun, this push pull of this grand cross is trying to bring us closer to our essential masculine feminine self, and our subconscious conscious undertakings, bringing a more positive masculine attitude in view of our everyday and sometimes overworked under valued female nurturing selves.
The masculine is trying to pull away and pretend that freedom and positively is his birthright, and the feminine is entreating him to look at all the responsibility she has loaded on her, to keep house and to mother whilst, and be a good wife/lover, not being able to have the ability to pull away and say I want out. She simultaneously will entreat the sun to view her reasoning and at the same time keep it all going. I think there is going to be some eye opening home truths for all of mankind unfolding over the next six months, especially if the feminine can keep her cool and get on with it, yet find the expansion and freedom she so needs in everyday life amidst the backdrop of her responsibilities, this may just do it if she keeps positive and true to herself. The sun and Jupiter cant fail to see her and the realization will slowly dawn on them (the masculine), in maybe a sudden ah ha moment that she has been carrying all this herself and birthing a new understanding about how life and this world could be, without the old blaming and fighting structures of the past. For she can not help but love and she will put all her effort and love into this new beginning for the world, with or without the fathers approval or any masculine help. He will get it, and when he dose he will be so so humbled with the realization of what he sees, and how much she has endured and what she has managed with so little, the sun and Jupiter along side him will be falling over them selves to help ease her load. To give her time and help and space and freedom, all the things he has been taking for himself with no regard, this I think is what will bring about the balance we all need so badly, no more blaming shaming fighting and disrespect. But the beginnings of an understanding, that in giving and cooperation we can come together to work together and build a better place for ourselves and our children’s future.
Helping the moon and Juno’s cause are the feminine ruled, Lillith and Venus. They are deep in the water signs, in a very emotional trine to each other, both forming a sexitile to a stoic masculine mars in earthed in Capricorn, very much like they have cornered him in a very intimate way and trying to positively, but passively inform him of their positions, its time for the masculine to feel the disenfranchised feminine sadness and see how he actually takes feeling for a moment, what it is like in her shoes. With all these dark emotions, from these two girls giving him the what for, in the only way they can, through the heart. Its like he is standing on dry land on an island and he can see both these them in the ocean beyond and the ocean rolls up and splashes upon him like an emotional tsunami of sorts, he will also get it, as there is another feminine planet Senda, that rules the deep dark oceanic feminine, and she is trining vesta backing these two up, in a message that will be so, so clear.
With all these feminine bodies working for us upon this years eclipse, we are so due to see a more positive healthy change in life on this planet. Over the next six months, it will be like a light finally goes on and all the deep unearthed feelings and thoughts of the past season of Venus retrograde, and all that was involved there, will finally be aired, and brought to the surface and to the light, and seen for what they are. Then we can finally move on to heal the imbalance and wounds that are on both sides of this story, into what maybe a more loving and caring, equal and understanding future for us all.